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Kids Running

Youth Ministry

Our vision here at Spirit of Life Christian Center is

each child receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

Kids Drawing
Children Praying
Kids in Preschool
Kids in Church

Youth Pastor

Carol Brown

Helping our youth to become mighty warriors for God.

received Jesus in my heart when I was 5. I knew then I had a call on my life and thought it was as a missionary. Little did I realize that is would be partly as a missionary to children in the area of the church I would work in Throughout my teens I would teach Sunday school, help my mom in a good news club, and learn from those who were my mentors.

During my teens I started pulling away from church but still enjoyed working with kids and youth.

After marrying and rededicating my life to Jesus I began working in our local churches as a kids worker and as Kids director and youth minister as I attended various bible schools classes with in those local churches. 

In 1996 God led us to Spirit Of Life Christian Center and I became the Youth Minister.  During these years we had neighborhood clubs, bus ministry and partnered with families of SOLCC to help train and develop their children in a relationship with Jesus and find their gifts and talents. My heart has always ben to see children and youth walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, walk strong in the word and be impactors for Jesus in their spheres of influence. Psalms 1:1-3 has always been my confession for those teens and children I work with.

Carol Brown 

A Note From Youth Pastor, Carol Brown:

Proverbs 22:6 (Msg Bible) “Point your kids in the right direction—when they’re old they won’t be lost.”

As children are trained in the Word of God, they build a strong foundation that is a powerful tool against the false beliefs of the world.  Statistics indicate children are more apt to receive Christ before age 12 than any other time in their lives.

I believe our directive from the Lord is to be a strong support for our families fighting the good fight of faith and raising our children int the Lord:

helping them to become mighty warriors for God.

We do this by:

Teaching the Word of God

Showing how to reach others with the Word

Training children how to worship and praise, and follow God’s teachings

 Fun Fellowship

Learning how to be good stewards of ourselves and our community.

Staff members partner with families to help encourage and train children in the ways of the Lord.

We show them how to develop their skills so they may become a bridge to the lost and hurting  people in their lives.

Thank you to Erica Mason & Patriot McKee for the use of these videos 

We Go Deep 



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Pastor Lenny Meyer


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